
  1. Research Engineer

    Cloudflare, Inc.
    Helping to build a better Internet.
  2. Research Intern

    Microsoft Research
    Optimizing the performance of elliptic curve implementations.


  1. PhD in Computer Science

    University of Campinas, Brazil
    Thesis titled “High-Performance Elliptic Curve Cryptography A SIMD Approach to Modern Curves,” supervised by Professor Julio Lopez.
    Read Thesis
  2. MSc in Computer Science

    Thesis titled “Implementación multinúcleo de la multiplicación escalar en curvas de Koblitz,” supervised by Professor Francisco Rodríguez-Henríquez and Debrup Chakraborty
    Read Thesis
  3. BSc in Computer Engineering

    Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi, Mexico
Prêmio Tese Destaque UNICAMP 2022
Universidade Estadual de Campinas ∙ April 2023
The Dean of Graduate Studies at the State University of Campinas announces the result of the first edition of the UNICAMP Highlight Thesis Award. The award is an initiative of the Central Postgraduate Commission (CCPG), which aims to recognize the work of students and professors in the production of postgraduate knowledge at the University.